Wednesday, April 6, 2011


 Wow, sorry about the hiatus from my blog.  We had family here a couple weeks ago and then we went up to Addis Ababa for part of our adoption process.  If you're interested in that, please see my wife's blog here.  While I was gone from work, the guys completed the installation of the floats onto N341EA and it actually had gone down to Lake Victoria, near Mwanza, TZ for some of the pilots to do some training.  It came back just this past Sunday night for a few days, so we had it in the hangar to fix a few things before it departed again for the lake and some more training.  And for those of you wondering, it flew GREAT down on the lake!  The guys were very impressed and we have seen wonderful performance from this airplane.  It's just another reminder that God is leading along in our journey and while sometimes we are unsure of life's outcomes, He is in total control. 

  Sitting in the front of the hangar while we were working on it. 
 I showed the line maintenance guys how to get the water out of the floats.  James was surprised to see so much water coming out! 
 Any ideas who this is?  Ha!  It's Peter Williams, working on the depth finder down inside the float.  The depth finder allows the pilot to "see" what's down in the water so they can avoid hitting things they can't see, just like when boating. 
 Lookin' good outside the hangar. 


Breanna said...

What's that in the background of the picture with James? It looks like a Beech product!? ;)

The Roberts Eight said...

Right you are, Jerry. That would be N468SP, our 1998 Beech King Air B200. Its a nice one. :)