Here are some pictures of the installation of the JP Instruments EDM-930 that I have been doing on 5Y-LMB, one of our Cessna U206Gs. We started a little over a week ago and have everything done now and are waiting approval to perform the test flight. We've done some maintenance ground runs and the instrument performs fantastic. It is definitely an upgrade for our fleet and everyone will have to get used to reading a digital box instead of all the round gauges. Enjoy the pictures...sorry about not posting in so long.

Here is what the original panel looked like. I had already taken out the original Cessna engine cluster (rectangle hole on top) and the EGT gauge (round hole above the yoke support) before I thought to take some pictures.

So here's a very empty panel, with all old gauges out, the right side panel and glovebox out for extra room, and the lines marked with Sharpie where I'm going to cut.

Here I am starting to cut a big hole into the instrument panel.

I mean, who gets to do that?! That's cool that I got to cut a hole in the panel! Who can say they cut a 206 panel apart?! We had to cut the hole to allow the installation of the EDM-930, which is about twice as high as the old engine cluster.

The next thing was to fabricate a new panel that will attach to the original (what's left of it anyway). This panel will hold the EDM-930 and cover all the old holes.

Sometimes you just have to stop and read the instructions a little bit more.

Here's what the engine looks like now. We also installed the LEES exhaust system, so it looks pretty neat. The EGT and CHT probe wire bundles are what are going over the top of the cylinders and back to the firewall. We also put the volt/amps shunt just below the battery box.

And the right side of the engine. That's the fuel and oil pressure transducers on the firewall behind the right bank of cylinders.

And this is the new panel. I had Steve Moffit powder coat it and the yoke mount bracket and all the hardware so the right side of the panel would match nicely.

Here's the final product.
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