Friday, August 7, 2009

Info on Ryan

Here is some information that we have on Ryan:

The latest report on Ryan which has just come in shows he is in a more serious condition than originally thought. After all the bandages were removed, it was evaluated that he has 70% deep and serious burns. He is on three antibiotics and on kidney dialysis. Internal organs are in a precarious state while his biggest danger is infection. The overall evaluation of his condition is "seriously unstable"

It is encouraging that he has been responsive to communication and that his vitals are stable and strong with the hopes that tomorrow he will go back again to surgery to remove more of the damaged skin. However, it is clear that Ryan is in great need of the Lord's help and intervention and so may I encourage you to mobilise your people again to pray earnestly for him and his family. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective James 5:16

Please pray specifically for:

- The infection to clear quickly
- Protection of the organs against damage
- His kidneys to work again
- Wisdom for those caring and treating him
- Miraculous healing

Adding to that report is the report that his white blood cell count is pretty much at zero, which is not helpful when you're trying to fight an infection.

Pray for Dawn and Celeste (Ryan's mom) as they are already on their way to SA.

We love you Ryan!!!

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