Caleb and the new engine. He sure fought the thing tooth and nail to get it mounted.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Look at this...
Caleb and the new engine. He sure fought the thing tooth and nail to get it mounted.
Friday, August 29, 2008
The week so far
This is the view fom behind. They laughed about this because they said it looked like I had lost something and was looking for it.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
More from this week
Insulation! The guys installed some insulation in the interior of the fuselage.
David Moroa, Radio Base extraordinare, working on avionics and electrical installation.
Circuit breakers and switch panel in the process of being fitted/installed.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
This is my setup for getting the engine ready for installation. I have all the stuff out for the STC engine work so that we can get it totally installed in the next week.
Tim and David cleaning some parts as we're getting ready to start painting some things this week. We're really seeing some good progress...even with all the other side tracking that seems to be occurring.
Josh and Wilson. Josh just finished at the hangar, but will still be around in Nairobi and Kenya for another few weeks. Wilson is one of our workers in stores (parts room).
Friday, August 15, 2008
Some pictures of this week...
This is David cleaning out the belly of the fuselage. Note the newly painted landing gear with new tires.
Here's Tim, one of our new recruits, cleaning all the door sills so they will be ready for painting, as well as removing some of the light corrosion on the fuselage.
Ryan showing Brandon how to use the hydraulic press to punch holes in the new instrument panel that Brandon made. It was cool; when the punch cut through the .063" metal, it made a loud POP!
(notice Brandon's reaction)
Some of you might not have any clue what this picture is. This is a bucking bar that someone (no names here) left inside a flap while doing a repair. The entire flap was riveted closed and when it was picked up a clunk, clunk was heard. Nice. So un-rivet a portion and I found the culprit hiding inside. Oh, well. Mistakes are human. No worries.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Pictures from around the hangar...
Here's the hangar itself.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
This week...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Some sheetmetal being done this week...
The Radio Rax that Ryan finished up...did a great job, too.