This week has been a little bit slower because Nate K. is on leave while family is here, Jerry is out of Nairobi for the week, and Caleb is on home assignment. It is just me and Paul, our Kenyan attachee who has been helping us for a few weeks. My goal for the week was to get the stripes on the plane and the wings installed by Friday. For the next two weeks, I won't be on the hangar floor; I am taking part in the King Air 200 maintenance training upstairs. So the other guys (besides Caleb) will be back, and they will continue the work.
In the's some pictures of the week so far. We've had a couple little snags; this morning I had to work on the King Air 200 for most of the morning, so I didn't get the first stripe on as early as I had hoped. Oh, well...

Taping for the stripes. I had a bunch of people coming by and commenting that it looked like a big Christmas present.

That is Paul in the back by the tail and Chad Mosby, nephew of our Chief Engineer, here for a few weeks, and giving us a hand for a little bit.

This is for all you Carolina fans out there...the bottom stripe on the fuselage is this color.

In the meantime, while we're painting the stripes, they shoved a Caravan back into our spot. We're actually going to have to install the wings inside the paint booth because they have the engine off the Caravan and can't move it...oh, well.

And for you Duke fans...YEAH!! Notice that the AIM AIR paint scheme has WAY more Duke blue than Carolina blue. They must have known...

So here's the fuselage, the tip tanks, rudder cap, and vertical stabilizer cap, all painted Duke blue. They still need another coat and then it will be done.